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The 90 Day Plan

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 68

DAY 68

RECYCLE PAPER save some blue, and make some green for your school or workplace.  Recycling one ton of paper is the equivalent of saving 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water.

Challenge:  Determine ways for your school or classroom to use less paper.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 67

DAY 67

Pick a spot and PLANT a TREE.  Why not?  Research different types of native trees and choose one that would be best for your yard.

Challenge:   What age do you think the oldest tree is on your property?  Why do native trees and plants use less water than non-native species?  Get a thermometer, how hot is it in the full sun?  What is the temperature in the shade?

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 66

DAY 66

During the next storm place a bucket under a downspout and time how long it takes to fill.  Then, GRAB a RAIN-BARREL and start collecting water from your roof.  Rainwater is free, contains no chlorine, and arrives to your home without the need for filtration and pumping.  If you can't do some of these things at home, it may be possible for your school, business, and/or local government to look into these tips.  Just ask!


Challenge:   Given the size of your roof, how much rainwater can you capture during a typical storm?

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

LA politicians trying to exempt DWP powerplants from once through ocean cooling rules,0,2271658.story

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 65

DAY 65

DON'T OVERWATER!  More plants die from too much water than from not getting enough water.  Before watering, check the soil two or three inches down, if it's moist watering can wait.


Challenge:   Research the amount of water plants in your yard need and come up with three easy ways to check if they need to be watered.  Having the lawn frequently aerated is also a way to reduce the amount of needed water.

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What Are The Unique Challenges Faced By A River That Runs Through A City?

Monday, August 23, 2010

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 64

DAY 64

From the street to the sea—before you do anything else today, go outside and make sure your closest STORM DRAIN is CLEAN.  Storm drains are the fastest route for water to travel from the street to the ocean and they send almost 70% of nonpoint pollution downstream to our lakes, rivers, and oceans.  About half of all stormwater comes from our homes, driveways, and sidewalks.


Challenge:   Why is it better to sweep driveways and sidewalks instead of hosing debris into storm drains?  Get involved with or create a local storm drain-stenciling program and search for innovative ways to keep trash out of the gutter.  Ask your municipality to consider installing screens and covers on all storm drains.  After all, it's downstream from there.

For More Information:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 63

DAY 63

Too much water can be a bad thing: ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT EROSION!  By reducing the amount of water that flows from your property and ensuring that it is absorbed into the ground instead of flowing into storm drains, you will play an important role in reducing flash floods downstream.

Challenge:   How much runoff does a one-acre parking lot produce compared to one-acre grassy field?

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The 90-Day Plan: DAY 62

DAY 62

The summer heat adds stress to trees, bushes, and other plants by speeding up transpiration (or the evaporation of water from parts of the plant).  SPREAD a LAYER of MULCH around all plants outdoors to help minimize water loss.  Using a two-three inch layer of mulch around plants is also a natural way to keep weeds under control.

Challenge:   Composting organic materials such as yard clippings and kitchen waste prevents hundreds of pounds sent to the landfill every year and saves water if you use this instead of the garbage disposal.  Design a plan to build a compost bin for your home. 

For More Information:

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