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The 90 Day Plan

Friday, March 5, 2010

Top 10 tips for Green Consumers

1.       Don’t consume. Reuse, Recycle, Reduce is still the motto.  Does your community have a curbside recycling program?

2.       High efficiency lightbulbs, specifically High Compact Fluorescent bulbs.  Note: shop around before committing to one giant bulb multipack.  Lamps vary widely in performance, turn on a bit slower, and don’t work well on dimmer switches (easy to swap out the switch).

3.       Low-flow toilets <1.5 gallons per flush, some even lower with rebates.

4.       Low-flow regulators for faucets and showerhead.

5.       Solar Water heaters can offset gas consumption and CO2 production

6.       60% of your water use goes to your landscape… consider native plants and/or xeriscape concepts to reduce your consumption and take advantage of basin planting instead of mound planting to help trap rainfall and limit runoff in Urban settings.

7.       Is this upgrade necessary now to increase efficiency?  Or will the gain in efficiency offset the production and environmental costs of what you are buying?  After all, solar panels are the product of intensive mining efforts, which is probably one of the worst activities for ecosystems.

8.       Buy Organic produce.  Locally grown is best.

9.       Grow your own food, but be responsible with watering habits and unnecessary soil amendments, composting is king.  Do not buy cypress mulch.

10.   Consider greywater reuse and rainwater harvesting to offset regional demand for water.


The Pacific Institute’s new report and video, California Farm Water Success Stories, analyzes successful examples of sustainable water policies and practices to demonstrate how innovative growers and irrigation districts are already beginning to move California toward more equitable and efficient water management and use. These practices are making a difference and there are steps, both in policy and on-the-ground, that can to help further them. Viable alternatives to traditional approaches can help California meet today’s water management challenges.

Integrating practices in these success stories into long-term policy and planning could lead to a very different California—one where efficient, equitable, and sustainable water uses are the norm, rather than the dream.

Download the report, executive summary, and press release.



Also, visit to hear about how “Water Use (per capita) Is Lower Than it Was 30 Years Ago.”


Thursday, March 4, 2010

We All Live Downstream - short film by Hilary Cline & Lori Garrabrant

We All Live Downstream from Barefoot Workshops on Vimeo.

To continue the story, the EPA sent out representatives from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality to assess the area. We will keep you up to date with their summary of the situation.

This video was produced by Barefoot Workshops, Inc. and Hilary Cline & Lori Garrabrant with guidance from instructors Julie Winokur, Teddy Symes, Yoni Brook, & Chandler Griffin. This project was sponsored by Canon USA, Sennheiser, Bogen Imaging, Lowel, and Litepanels.

CAN-SPAM laws and Activism

Why is it that the Outlook Junk Mailbox files away messages from Sierra Club, Mother Jones, Surfrider, and other legitimately established nonprofit organizations that manage subscribe lists.  These are all services that were opted-in to and from the content of the message, are in full compliance with CAN-SPAM laws in spirit and application.  Meanwhile, the Inbox panders to solicitors for erectile dysfunction drugs and penis enlargement technologies.  What gives?


Have you also been missing recent updates from your favorite environmental groups?  Check your SPAM folder and you might find a few surprises.


If you are spammed by an organization, then hit the Spam button. 


However, if you simply don’t want to continue to receive emails from an organization, but don’t wish to hurt their online reputation, use the unsubscribe option to ensure that you will be removed from their list in a prompt manner.


Remember to recycle your Junk Mail box now and again to see what was erroneously filed and to add the address or domain to your “Safe Sender’s List”.





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